WHA Visit

Thanks to a great new collaboration with World Health Ambassadors (WHA), we were able to focus on the health and physical well-being of our kids during our 2013 trip to Vietnam.
It is with the strong support and generous contributions from all of you who are reading this now and share our love for these kids, that we are able to report the following accomplishments:
WHA sent a highly talented health care team and mobile clinic to the orphanage. In one day, they performed general medical checkups, dental care, dental hygiene training, and eye exams for 26 children, the staff, and some of friends in need from the local community.
About 40 dental fillings and 10 tooth extractions were performed on the spot.
We were given prescriptions for, and purchased, eye glasses for 3 children. Now they will be able to read what’s on the board in the front of their classrooms!
A WHA physician talked to the older children about their health and the need for good judgment as they grow up and start making their own choices about their health.
Provided vitamins and medications for the children.WHA left each child with a new toothbrush and toothpaste. We made sure that we reminded them to use that toothbrush – twice a day!